Harvest of a Quiet Eye 2015
News Flash!
10th October, 2015
"Almost overnight the beautiful area of Clippesby has been industrialised by a mystery developer. Not only have factories, cinemas and pubs sprung up, but also a railway, civic buildings and a suburb of unaffordable dwellings. How did this all get past the planners before the residents had had chance to have their say? Fortunately the County Planning Department have now got wind of it and have ordered it to be demolished completely by the end of Sunday, 11th October."
The Evidence:-

Or was it just a bad dream?
Seriously . . . .
Harvest of a Quiet Eye
This, our annual exhibition took place in St. Peter's Church on the w/e of the 10th & 11th of October . We were unsure until the Wednesday that it would be taking place. At our monthly site meeting , the church was full of building paraphenalia like ladders and cement mixers and the churchyard was a quagmire, but, lo and behold, by Friday the church was tidied and a smart, new gravel path laid to the North door.
Trevor and Heather kindly came to sweep, dust and polish; Paul, Sara and Jane organised the tables; Mike came to set up his model town of streets, buildings, civic buildings, rail track and trains and others came with miniature gardens and memorabilia.
We had displays to mark the 200years since the Battle of Trafalgar and the 75 years since the Battle of Britain and Dunkirk; these were displayed beneath an RAF boy and a couple of Land Army girls complete with pitchfork and corn sheaves. Because it was logistically impractable to have Peter Walker's large model aircraft on display we had his photographic record of them together with some of Ann's pictures of aicraft. Cecily provided memorabilia to mark the Queen's long reign and Sara had a book in which people were asked to record their memories.
The Events Team of the PCC were delighted to welcome quite a few local people to the church and we all enjoyed a good old mardle together with endless cups of tea provided by Jane and Sara. £350.00 was raised over the weekend through donations, raffle and tombola.