Harvest of a Quiet Eye 2017
In common things that round us lie Some random truths he* can impart,--
The harvest of a quiet eye That broods and sleeps on his own heart.
From "A Poet's Epitaph" by William Wordsworth (*he = the poet)
Many of those who visited St. Peter’s “Harvest of a Quiet Eye” this weekend were appreciative of the very accessible smart path that stretches from the church gate round to the porch. The Rev. Michael Pickering cut the tape last month and blessed the path with holy water from Walsingham. (Photos here)
The weekend exhibition of old photographs featured farming harvests from 1911 to the present day, showed haymaking, harvest in the cornfields of the 1950s, modern pea and potato harvesters and there were also photos of soft fruit harvests, of picking cauliflowers and the production of flowers in Clippesby from the '40s up to the '80s.
Also, pictures of people always create interest amongst we locals who knew them and they bring back memories and spark off conversations causing quite a buzz, always helped by the continuous provision of cups of tea. The Team had a tombola and a raffle and Cecily had her bright parcels. We were delighted to raise £440.00 and we are so grateful to every single person who helped us to do this.