Latest news in brief ~ 2016/17

Carols by Candlelight - Clippesby Church - 13th December
It was a very different experience for the Clippesby Christmas Choir this year as we had to sing without the help of our conductor Pauline who was unable to be with us for health reasons.
It was lovely to welcome Sally Mitchell to take our service again and Anne Brookes to play for us once more, and Anne brought three of her music pupils to accompany the congregation hymns (I understand Anne is playing for ten carol services this December) Plus, of course, it was great to see so manyof our friends both old and new filling the pews.
After Sally brought the service to a close Sue Pickles read a letter written by a young Canadian soldier to his parents describing the Christmas Day he spent as a guest of the Bower family at Clippesby Hall in 1942 when he was stationed in Clippesby. Then Geoffery Hewitt lapsed into Norfolk to give an account of a school Nativity Play.and the choir rounded things off with their version of 'Here we come a Wassailing' as the 'ladies of this place' brought round their laden trays of hot mince pies and scrumptious mulled Clippesby cyder.
The churchwardens offer their grateful thanks to everyone who helped in any way to bring forth yet another Clippesby Carol Service.

Posted 13th November
Clippesby Church's Autumn Bazaar was held on Saturday, 11th November in Fleggburgh Village Hall. A two minute silence was observed at 11am before the proceedings began.
Thanks to forward planning and willing help This was its usual success. Success measured in several different ways; as a fund-raiser £800.00 is an excellent result; as a get-together being supported by friends from surrounding villages it was great fun and as a way to spend three jolly hours doing some good in company with other like-minded people what could be better?

Posted 29th October 2017
We conratulate great grandmother, Jean, grandparents, Johnnie and Sue Lindsay and parents, Lee and Hannah Lindsay-Clarke on the birth of Isaiah John on the 27th of October in the James Paget Hospital, Gt. Yarmouth.

October 2017
Our church path, before and after.

Posted 9th October
Our lovely improved church path,which is now very accessible, was dedicated at our service today by the Revd. Michael Pickering. He cut the tape and sprinkled the path with water from the Holy well at Walsingham.

Diamond Wedding
Congratulations to John & Yvonne McCarthy who celebrated their 60years of marriage with a party for their friends & family, their bridesmaids & pageboy
Golden Wedding
Congratulations to Rod & Thelma Pointer on reaching their 50th year of marriage

Posted 14th September
Our new church path is on its way ~ thanks to the generosity of a Big Lottery grant, and the industry of Jonathan Molineux

Posted 14th September
Members of Great Yarmouth Round Table did a sponsored sky dive on Tuesday and raised £5,000 for the charity Nelson's Journey. One of the intrepid divers was our own Lee, pictured here on the left with a friend.
Congratulations and our admiration!

(Click to enlarge)
Posted 27th August
BBC TV weather man visits Martham
Not strictly Clippesby news, but many local residents and visitors might be interested in going to this event.
Posted 9th September

Norfolk Churches "Cycle Ride"
This year our fundraisers are walking Norwich churches. Here they are, all smiles at the start of their day.
Posted 1st August
Congratulations to Paul & Verna Guise-Smith and their daughter Lauren on the birth yesterday of Fin(lay), a little brother for Aria

Dancing in the rain . . . A birds' eye view
Posted 26th July
Thelma's open garden and Flamenco show, 24th July.
The splendid amount of £777 was raised, to be shared between Motor Neurone Disease and Cancer charities. Congratulations and thanks to Thelma & family, and helpers.
June 28th
We in Clippesby feel immensely honoured to have been selected as one of three churches to be featured in a book to be published by Garfield Weston celebrating 60 years of country-wide grant-giving. Our architect Iain Walker has revisited the church and sent us some new photos, to be submitted for the book. Read more . . .

June 15th
Thank you to Henry Alston
/Billockby Farms for restoring the footpath from Clippesby Village sign towards Fleggburgh (Mill Lane)
May 4th Extra Coffe & Chat
Those who were at the Coffee & Chat hour on Tuesday May 2nd decided it would be nice to have another soon - so they have planned an extra one for Tuesday 23rd May. (This is purely a socializing event, not a fund raiser.)

Anne & Mark Knights had their wedding ring blessed by Rev. Sandy Mitchell

April 27th
Our Churchwarden, Pamela
Minett, celebrates the publication of the 7th Edition of her book "Child Care & Development"

March 26th
Mothering Sunday Service at Clippesby,
Christine brought simnel cake.
Some of the congregation enjoying the cake plus liquid refreshments

March 19th
"When's the happy day, Mavis?"
"I think it's next week, Maud."
Valentine's Weekend
February 11th & 12th
The Clippesby Church Fun-raising Team set up this year's exhibition "with a little help from their friends" to make it eye-catching and of absorbing interest.
Well-chosen wedding gowns showed changes in fashion over the last half century.
The exhibits illustrating Norfolk words were really amusing and we Norfolk dumplings enjoyed pitting our wits against Jane's Norfolk quizzes.
Entries in Sara's project entitled "What Clippesby Church means to me" brought out some lovely reminiscences, which we will feature soon.
The church looked beautiful with Fran's lovely arrangements of flowers generously donated by Tesco. We had Cecily's jolly parcels, Jane & Rachaels tombola & Ann's Valentine fruit cake
Monies raised were £422.00 a marvellous result to cheer a chilly weekend

Burns Supper this Weds (25th Jan)
Have you LOOKED and BOOKED?
January 18th 2017
Brief sunset seen from Clippesby 4.30 pm

A littler visitor to Thelma's garden
January 6th 2017
We launched our new-look Home and Menu pages, which we hope will make navigating easier in the future
At present forgive us if you stumble across some incomplete pages or inaccurate links. It will all get sorted as quickly as we can.

Clippesby Knit-ivity by Diane
December 13th/14th
The church is being decorated for Christmas, and promises to look beautiful.
Carols by Candlelight tomorrow (15th) at 7.30 bringing you equally beautiful music.

December 8th
The harmonium arrives!
Brought back to its home by Edmund and his wife after its restoration, and being tried by our merry organist, who looks delighted, as we all are.
The harmonium will be making its debut, after having been silent for decades, this very Sunday, at the Communion Service here at 10.45

December 6th
Coffee and chat hour in the church
Making paper angels proved a bit challenging in the time, but we achieved a few which now for a while join last month's plasticine models to adorn the church. Thanks to Jean for the coffee, tea, and delicious buttered loaf-cake.
19th November photos

November 19th
Organ restoration: nearly finished; it will be coming back very soon! Latest photos here. Anyone interested in how things work, and what has been involved in this restoration, will find the sequence of photos fascinating.

November 1st
Coffee and chat hour in the church
Fuelled by home-made cakes with coffee or tea, this revealed some latent talent and was greatly enjoyed by the modellers. The theme was "Anything loosely connected with Christmas"

October 31st
Jean, our Church Warden/Treasurer/Secretary/Website Co-editor and general co-ordinator of everything, gave us a chance to see her wearing her BEM medal at a tea party organised by her family and friends

Photos received ~
29th September
A fantastic sunset over the reservoir
Photo by Carrie Spencer
1st October
Contrasting sky over Clippesby one mid-afternoon
Photo by Carrie

30th October
Edmund Holmes our harmonium restorer tells us that the harmonium will be ready in time for Christmas!