From our Churchwardens and other Villagers Jean's Page 2021
First Tuesday in the month 11 a.m.
Next dates ~
November 2nd
December 7th
in the church
at Clippesby October 5th

Death of Ron Ellen
We are sad to report the death of Ron Ellen, a long time Clippesby resident, whose body was found in his garden having suffered a massive heart attack.
Ron had nursed his wife, Eileen, since her stroke many years ago until her death fairly recently.
May they rest in peace.
Wedding at Clippesby St. Peter's ~ 18th September 2021

Weddings at St. Peter's don't happen very often so when they do it's a really special event. The photograph above of Dean and Kylie shows just how stunning her gown looks. The bridenaids wore silver dresses. Kylie was given away by her mother, Jane, who is a member of Clippesby's PCC.
The Reception was held at Basecamp, Clippesby Hall.
Cecily, Sheila and Eric did a tabletop at Repps with things donatied by kind people to raise funds for St. Peter's Church, Clippesby. £130 was raised which is much appreciated by the PCC members.

Summer do seem to be over , but we do hope you all stayed well and enjoyed august even though it was a bit dismal at times weather wise.
Fundraising team have been busy running small fete's for Church funds , we thank all who helped us.
Thanks also to Pamela Minett and her family for organising and hosting music in garden , it was a very enjoyable evening .
Cecily , Pauline and Eric are having a table at Repps on sunday 5th selling bric a brac with proceeds going to Clippesby Church , it's from 12 till 4pm
Congratulations go to Dave and Marie Hutchins who celebrate their Silver wedding Anniversary on Monday 6th September
On Saturday 18th September Dean Gymer and Kylie Foskett are getting married at St Peter's so we wish them all the very best
May God Bless you all and have enjoyable September
Love Fran and Sara xx
Report & Photos Wild Church at Clippesby
Report & Photos Music at Stokesby
Sunday the 18th July 2021
My Journey to Confirmation
I grew up going to Sunday school regularly with my sisters
My granddad was churchwarden at Mautby church for over 40 years so church and Jesus was always something we knew about growing up.
But it wasn’t until 40 years ago when I moved next door to a beautiful lady, Heather, that I really began to get to know Jesus, Heather would spend hours talking to me and praying about Jesus and trying to show me the light and love of Jesus. I saw her prayers being answered in my life and other peoples around her, but I wasn’t ready. Heathers words still come to me nearly every day.
Then, at the start of the Covid 19 lock down, my son Brian was on Facebook early one morning. When I said morning to him he told me he was in a prayer meeting and he went on to say “Mum read Psalm 91 and remember it and follow it”. I had to hunt the house out for a bible and I found one and read it and it just stayed with me and made so much sense. I started to read the Bible and with the help of Carla (Brian’s wife) I downloaded an App on my phone and received a booklet that I read most days.
Then one day, when I was talking to my sister Sara she said she was having trouble with Zoom and needed it for her churchwarden duties, so I helped her via the telephone to do it, it was like the blind leading the blind but we done it. Then Jean asked Sara if I would like the pass code to the Martham Church services and I joined Compline that Sunday evening and I have enjoyed that and the Morning Prayer services. One Sunday morning Emma was talking about today’s confirmation and it was like she was just talking to me and suddenly I just knew this was the right thing to do.
Today is just the start of the next stage of my journey and a very enjoyable and rewarding start it was.
I would like to thank everyone very much for their prayers and support today.

Sunday 18th July
Confirmation at St. Mary's,
JUNE 2021

June 15th 2021 From Thelma
Robert’s 10k 2021, ending at Hall Farm House, Clippesby
Thelma's son-in-law Rob Barker on return from his 10k run, a year after his prostate cancer operation which, because of COVID, was delayed from March to June 2020.
He found the moral support from Prostate Cancer UK so helpful that he decided to try and raise £2021 in a year by doing a sponsored run 12 months on.
There are more details at
Here we are in the middle of June enjoying some gorgeous summer weather.
The fundraising team have managed to hold two mini fetes on the lawn near Basecamp at Clippesby Hall.
We have managed to bank £692.00 for Church funds. Special thanks go to all those people who kindly helped out and to all those who supported us . These events are most enjoyable and it's lovely to be able to talk to people about Clippesby Church, Jean has kindly put together a display so people can read about St Peter's . People who are on holiday seem to really enjoy these events, (and so do our local village residents.)
Hopefully we can hold more fetes thoughout the summer months, and fundraising team hope to arrange other exciting events, so watch this space!
Stay safe everyone
God Bless
From Sara and Fran Churchwardens xx
Evening Fete at Base Camp 29th May 2021.

Quote from Thelma : "It was thriving, packed with holidaymakers, stalls of bric-à-brac, Cis’s parcels, knitted goods, tombola, raffle, etc, and games - the children love Jean’s marble one. I looked through the gateway to the restaurant and the outside table area was packed . . . "
MAY - JUNE 2021
It’s lovely to be back for monthly blog.!
We hope everyone has kept well.
During lockdown fundraising has more or less stopped , but the fundraising team are very grateful
to Karen Williamson , 2 months before Easter Karen put together a lovely hamper we then sold raffle
tickets making over £200 . The winning number was drawn on Sunday March 28th and was won by
Marcia Burrows. Congratulations to Marcia and thankyou Karen.
Thankyou also to 4 ladies from North Walsham for knitting items for to us to sell we sold £47 for
church funds.
We have a small garden party organised Saturday 29th May near basecamp Clippesby Hall between 6 and 8pm .
Lastly we would like to thank Jean for her years of service to Clippesby Church as treasurer. She has
now stood down , and Marie has kindly taken on the role, so welcome Marie and Thankyou.
God Bless you all
Sara and Fran Churchwardens
Happy New Year to you all, we hope you all enjoyed a Happy Peaceful Christmas.
Karen Williamson kindly put together two lovely hampers which we sold lucky squares
Thoughout the Autumn the winner of first prize went to Lacey Lawrence, second prize was
Won by Wayne Jowett the £200 raised went to clippesby Church,
We also sold knitted garments and toys kindly knitted by ladies from North Walsham so we are
Able to bank £50 from sale of these.
We were able to hold a Church service on 27th December it was a morning prayer service. We thank Jean and Ivy for taking the service .
Services have been put on hold for the near future due to the pandemic
Frances and Sara send you their Best wishes and please all stay safe.
God Bless you all xx