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Album ~ Winter & Early Spring

Late Spring in Clippesby

April 2013 ~ Some of our fields were bright with rape in full flower, while the leaves on the trees were still only a hint of green....

Photos courtesy of Ian Laxton, Black Street Studios, Martham

Slide Shows/Videos

Nature colonises the clay ~ the reservoir's  first year

Nature triumphs over the dry clay -  at last Clippesby has an area where wild plants and flowers flourish freely. . .     Where have they all come from?


. . . coltsfoot, ragwort, scarlet pimpernel, daisies, ground ivy, lesser & greater willowherb. . .

the list will grow as the months go by. . .

Click in the window to start slide show

Water and sky....

From serene reflections to stormy waves, the reservoir offers ever-changing photo-opportunities. . .

Click in the window to start slide show

April  (1)

Two versions of the Concessionary Path Wood, originally intended to be a progressive record of the the emergence of Spring and Summer, but by June it became inaccessible due to the abundant growth.

Piano music:

Two pieces from "The Album for the Young" by Schumann, played by Pauline

"Clippesby's Secret"

A "Mood Picture" of a small, almost unknown spot in Clippesby

Piano music by Pauline

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