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Church interior

Evening sun illuminates Keys of St Peter

The Chancel, decorated for a memorial service

Grand,decorated style, In memory of Henry Muskett 1851

In memory of Emily Muskett died 1882

Detail of the east window

In memory of Rev. Alfred Rivett, shows Jesus blessing chlidren.

In memory of Rev.Henry Muskett's infant daughter ,Ethel 1868

In memory of Louisa Muskett daughter of Rev. Henry Muskett
Our beautiful windows
The Nave

Window in memory of Emily Muskett 1882

Perpendicular window with hoodmould, ClippesbyChurch

Light shining through the hooded windows of the South wall of Clippesby Church

Window in memory of infant daughter of Rev. Henry Muskett

Lancet & perpendicular windows & creation banner

Shows carved lectern, pulpit and pews

Mediaeval holy water stoup

Entrance door & Ascension banner
15th Century font
On the column are tiny plinths, and a child will see the angels with interlocking wings, all the way round

The Chancel
Carvings to be found in the chancel

Early 13th century hinges on aumbry.

The Chancel of Clippesby Church

Solomon's Seal and Quotations
Two examples of the ends of the choir stalls
Memorials ~ most of these are to be found
in the Chancel

Muskett family memorials of slate and marble

Memorial to Julia Matilda, a Muskett daughter

Memorial to Henry (not the Rev.) Muskett

Memorial to the Rev. Henry J. Muskett

Memorial to Clara Anna, a Muskett daughter

Memorial to Emily Louisa & Charles Dashwood
Mediaeval Brass of John Clippesby (1594) and his wife Julian. For an etching of this, showing the details clearly, and a short description, see People in the History section

Family brasses of John Clippesby (1594)

Emme Pallyng memorial,1503

To Merchant Thomas Pallyng(1503) in a fur-lined gown with belt & purse

Doorway and Porch
The Saxon carving
Bishops' runes

In memory of Rev Hill his wife and infant son

The last name, Jeanette Crafer, not yet added to the list

Door in memory of John Wiseman,1870

Saxon carving of woman with dove above porch entrance door

Bishops' runes on the doorway

Clippesby Church runes

Wall Paintings
showing the
Four Apostles

13th century piscina with circular columns & pointed arch

Part of wall paintings in Clippesby Church chancel

Sedilia in Clippesby Church, Norfolk Broads.

Painting in reredos of Clippesby Church

Painting on reredos of Clippesby Church

Painting on reredos of Clippesby Church

One of four paintings on reredos of Clippesby Church
Embroidery by
Sally Badham-Thornhill
The design for the apostles based on the roundel paintings

Embroidery detail from Altar frontal, Clippesby Church

Embroidery detail from a Clippesby Church altar frontal

Detail of embroidery on a Clippesby Church altar frontal

Detail of embroidery on Clippesby Church altar frontal

Detail of embroidery on Clippesby Church altar frontal

Stunning work by Sally in memory of Freddy Legett

More of Sally's beautiful embroidery
Millennium Banners

"The hands that threw stars into space"

A marvellously beautiful world

Desolation: Third banner

The empty tomb & the cross of salvation

Our risen and ascended Saviour, the Way, the Truth & the Life.

Click here for photo of the banner makers at work
And no church would be complete without at least one bell ....
Photos courtesy of our architect
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