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A walk round Clippesby churchyard on a sunny March morning
Please click on each photo to enlarge

A bullace tree in bloom

Primroses & daffodils

Carpet of Snowdrops

Celandines & leaves of bog arum

Click here for video of the Churchyard on Easter Sunday, 5th April, 2015
Enjoy the flowers and birdsong even though the day turned out cold and grey.
By the end of March (2014) . . . primsroses everywhere . . .
April into the beginning of May, 2015
. . . primroses, bluebells, celandines and forget-me-nots. . .

Primroses everywhere

Not only the yellow ones...

Herb Robert growing out of the water butt
Featuring the unforgettable drifts of forget-me-nots . . .

Wildflower Paradise

A Haven for Nature

Rustling leaves, grasses and wildflowers

Hops scrambling up the yew tree

Sycamore laden with keys

Shade-loving ferns all along the wall
A fern grows all along the shady outer wall
By the end of May . . . flowers, bees and birds . . .
. . . moles and other small mammals. . .
August 2014
Grass has been strimmed again.
Sycamore looks stressed
from the many very hot days
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