In common things that round us lie Some random truths he* can impart,--
The harvest of a quiet eye That broods and sleeps on his own heart.
From "A Poet's Epitaph" by William Wordsworth (*he = the poet)
The annual ‘Harvest of a Quiet Eye’ exhibition took place in Clippesby Church over the weekend of October 13th ~ 14th.
This year’s reflective look back included a tribute display to those whose names appear on our "Parish of Clippesby’s Roll of Honour who faithfully served their King and Country in the Great War – 1914 –1919"
The exhibition featured pictures painted by the children of Fleggburgh School. It also commemorated the 100 years of the Suffragette Movement.
Tea, coffee and homemade refreshments were available. There was no charge but donations for St Peter’s Church were gratefully received.