Valentine's Weekend 2017

"What Clippesby Church means to me"

Read some of the lovely things that were written here
Valentine’s Weekend Exhibition
Wewould like to express our thanks to Sara, Jane and Rachael for putting on a fascinating and colourful exhibition. Flower arrangements greeted you as soon as you entered the porch and there were flower arrangements everywhere inside the church too. We thank Fran for doing the arranging - she has a gift for this - and we are very grateful to Tesco’s for donating flowers.
Mannequins in the Nave wore wedding gowns of Clippesby brides which served to illustrate some of the changes in wedding fashions over the last fifty years. We have started an album of photographs of Clippesby weddings which will form part of our Clippesby Church and Village archives and this does include other weddings of Clippesby People; thanks to contributions coming in this is developing nicely.
Cecily and Ann were on duty for the whole of the weekend selling tickets. People queued to guess the weight of Ann's Valentine fruit cake and Cecily's parcels disappeared quite quickly. The other Rachael was a great help with the quizzes and teas and wherever she saw something needing doing. As usual the tombola was very popular.
One amusing exhibit was a table of things with their local names, and some Norfolk stories and personal reminiscences.
Sara had invited everyone to put pen to paper and write “What Clippesby Church Means to Me”. This resulted in some meaningful and very individual memories More information for the archives!.
Donations brought in over £400.00. Altogether it was a very happy and successful two days. Thank you Fund-raising Team.